Under the guidance of festival director Neil Foley, the 2013 edition of Monster Fest kicks off in Melbourne on November 21. Lovers of international horror cinema, including visionary works such as Big Ass Spider (pictured, below) will settle in for 12 days of films made to shock, disgust and delight. As a dedicated follower of the genre, SCREEN-SPACE will be providing extensive coverage of the event, with interviews, reviews and features. Bookmark this link to follow the ever-expanding content.
Creepshow: The Monster Fest 2013 Preview: “Monster Fest champions films that challenge our imaginations, films that confront our fears, films that twist our realities..."
Kier-La Janisse and The Women in Her Life: "Canadian film scholar Kier-La Janisse paints an unforgettable portrait of international cinema’s most deranged and driven female leads in her landmark book, House of Psychotic Women: An Autobiographical Topography of Female Neurosis in Horror and Exploitation Films..."
Cannes Critics Maul Dario's Dracula: "The internet was buzzing with negative feedback to the trailer, but any work from the Giallo master is keenly anticipated and the film had been afforded the first Midnight Screening slot at the 2012 event..."
Joe Somebody: The Michael Tierney Interview: "I don't think I had a personal identity any more. I had become Joe Blow..."
Body Melt: The Addison Heath Interview: "We wanted to take dark subject matter and turn it in to an absurdist comedy. One of our initial concepts was ‘What if Wes Anderson directed Taxi Driver?’...”
Welcome to the Jungle: The Andrew Traucki Interview: "There were many physical challenges, especially given that at one point, it rained for a week during filming. There was so much mud!..."
The Killer Inside Me: The Duncan Cunningham Interview: "I am in love with the process of creating a world full of characters that didn't exist. And to see what you have created in a moving picture is phenomenal..."
The Banshee Chapter 3D: "Winter, a striking beauty and convincing on-screen presence, has a terrific chemistry with Levine, who whoops it up as the off-the-rails anti-establishment underground renegade..."
Here Comes The Devil: "It exudes an effective creepiness and a free-wheeling attitude to both hot and horrible sexuality..."
Contracted: "Much about Contracted is reminiscent of the AIDS era horror film, when films like David Cronenberg’s The Fly and Brian Yuzna’s Society reminded us all that pleasures of the flesh often cost a pound of the same..."
Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla: "As Warren, the extraordinary Glen Maynard creates one of the most memorably sympathetic portraits of repressed rage and social disconnection in local cinema history..."
Foresight Killer Instinct: "There’ll be something to offend everyone (feminists and cat-lovers, in particular, should stay well clear)..."
Hatchet III: "Finding a comfortable middle-ground between the jokey tone of the first instalment and the overly grim milieu of its sequel..."
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