Stars: Jemima West, Christopher Dane, Rebecca Hanssen, Rachel Lin and Harry Macmillan-Hunt.
Writer: Jennifer Nicole Stang and Henk Pretorious
Director: Henk Pretorious
Screening at the South African Independent Film Festival on 23rd and 30th August. Released in North America on August 21st; September 11th in the UK; and, October 28th in South Africa.
Rating: ★ ★ ★
Reintegration into the peaceful stability of suburban family life proves tough for Afghanistan War doctor Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Cormack (Jemima West; pictured, above), a guilt-ridden medic gripped by PTSD in Henk Pretorious’ psychological chiller, The Unfamiliar. When that safeplace also begins to unravel and her fractured reality is encroached upon by supernatural forces, this low-key but tightly-spun tale of terror balances the torment of a dissociative mental condition with some legitimately ghoulish scares.
Everything seems slightly off-centre upon Izzy’s arrival - stepdaughter Emma (Rebecca Hanssen) is distant; angelic preteen Tommy (Harry McMillan-Hunt) is acting out; husband Ethan (Christopher Dane), while more aggressively amorous than before, also brings too much of his work home. This proves particularly worrisome, given he is a Professor of Polynesian Culture and what he brings home includes a Hawaiian tiki that carries with it a dark spiritual presence.
There is a faint sniff of cultural appropriation in Pretorious’ premise; ‘cursed tribal artefacts’ as a plot device peaked with that Brady Bunch episode. In 2020, the notion that a Stygian symbol of Islander folklore is the kicker for a middle class white household’s torment is a bit ripe (even if the script tries to deflect). The director also draws on some familiar haunted house tropes that suggest pics like The Amityville Horror (1979, 2005), Insidious (2010) and a couple of the Paranormal Activity sequels were inspirations.
The pic finds some fresh energy when Ethan decides Izzy and the kids decamp back to Hawaii, allowing for all the supernatural forces toying with the family’s fate to fully emerge. Pretorious and DOP Pete Wallington shoot the reveal of the film’s devilish protagonist (repping stellar creature design work from makeup fx veteran Robbie Drake) with a genuinely nightmarish glee. The other ace-in-the-hole is leading lady West, who conveys first the strain of PTSD then the terror of a demonic face-off with the required intensity.
While the lack of cast starpower and workmanlike helming will keep this uneven but watchable creepshow from wide theatrical play, genre festival audiences and streaming services will certainly find space for The Unfamiliar. It is not unforeseeable that, in much the same way Freddy Krueger turned a support part in Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) into a star-making, franchise-building turn, so might Pretorious and co-scripter Jennifer Nicole Stang focus in on their creepy demon star should sequels manifest.

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